Renal disease in obesity and diabetes


Obesity and type 2 diabetes (T2DM) are two major risk factors for renal disease. The term Diabesity is used to describe the close relationship between T2DM and obesity and their common metabolic and pathogenic pathways. Worldwide, more than 400 million people have T2DM and about 2 billion subjects are overweight or obese. The fast growing prevalence of both T2DM and obesity makes diabesity an important challenge in nephrology. Obese patients frequently present the two main causes of end stage renal disease in developed countries, T2DM and hypertension. Moreover, obesity itself can cause specific renal diseases (such as obesity-related glomerulopathy) or increase the risk of progression of kidney diseases irrespective of the underlying cause. The pathogenetic pathways through which obesity causes/worsens renal disease are not completely known, although some possible explanations have been put forward. Are we closer to understanding the physiopathology of diabesity? Along with a small number of drugs, weight loss, by surgical and non-surgical interventions, has been tried in patients with diabesity, with some promising results in kidney damage prevention and treatment. Who benefits from these interventions? During the last 2 or 3 years new antidiabetic drugs showed promising results regarding its renal protective effects. What expectations can we have in these new drugs?

Course content

    1. Renal lipotoxicity in diabetes and obesity
    2. Inflammation in diabetic nephropathy
    3. Insulin resistance and renal disease
    4. New insight in the pathogenesis of Diabetic Nephropathy
    5. Animal models of renal disease in obesity and diabetes
    6. Pathogenesis of glomerular hyperfiltration
    7. The ENBiBA project: Renal histology in patients with T2DM, metabolic syndrome and obesity without proteinuria
    8. Metabolic Syndrome, obesity and beta-cell dysfunction
    9. Kidney pancreas transplantation - the solution?
    10. Weight reduction in patients with CKD: the Nutritionist point of view
    11. Weight reduction to prevent renal disease in diabetes? CRESO I and II
    12. Bariatric surgery to prevent renal disease?
    13. Childhood obesity and its impacts on the kidney
    14. Dual RAS blockade in diabetic nephropathy and obesity
    15. SGLT2 for renoprotection in T2DM?
    16. Experimental treatments for diabetic renal disease